NOTE: Most inquiries can be answered by reviewing the “Good Neighbor” Rules & Regulations posted within this website.


Q: Who is responsible for security within Diamond Pointe?
A: Geist Patrol provides our security. Please see “Geist Patrol” on this website.

Q: Who is responsible for snow removal within Diamond Pointe?
A: Snow removal is provided by GHPOA in our community. When snowfall reaches 2 inches or more, private contractors work to remove the snow as quickly as possible.

Q: Who approves external changes to my house or property?
A: Please see “development control” within this website For information related to making changes to your property and related approvals that might be necessary.

Q: Who is responsible for snow removal within Diamond Pointe?
A: Snow removal is provided by GHPOA in our community. When snowfall reaches 2 inches or more, private contractors work to remove the snow as quickly as possible.

Q: How do I get a gate opener or new code for the gate?
A: Request for a new gate opener or, alternatively, a new gate code, should be directed to Ardsley Management Corporation, the property management firm for Diamond Pointe. Their telephone number is 317-253-1401. See property management corporation under Community Management within this website.

Q: Who do I call for speeding cars, loud music after 11pm and other nuisances?
A: Please call Geist Patrol at the telephone numbers listed under Geist Patrol within this website.

Q: Who is responsible for security within Diamond Pointe?
A: Geist Patrol provides our security. Please see “Geist Patrol” on this website.