“Good Neighbor” Rules & Regulations
Please be aware that the following “good neighbor” rules and regulations have been adopted by DPPOA related to actions and activities within Diamond Pointe. None of these rules are new and have been practiced for many, many years through the willing cooperation of all neighbors. Please ensure these rules are fully understood and respected by you, your family and/or your guests.
Speed Limit: The speed limit is 20mph – please ensure that all drivers and guests of your household respect this speed limit. Geist Patrol has requested that the license plate number of observed speeders be reported to them.
Signs: “Home for Sale” and other signs shall not be displayed within Diamond Pointe, on the common property outside of the main gate nor on the common ground along the wall adjacent to Admirals Pointe Drive.
Trailers: Boat and other trailers shall not be parked within Diamond Pointe, although a maximum two (2) weeks grace period will be granted for boat trailers in the spring and fall of each year.
Construction Cleaning/Damage: Property owners having construction work performed are responsible to ensure dirt is removed from the common streets and that trash does not blow over to adjacent properties. Construction damage to roads and property will be repaired at the constructing property owner’s expense.
Gates: Please assist in keeping the gates, including the pedestrian gate, closed. Also, please ensure that members and guests of your household know that the gates should not be forced open. Gate cameras are operating continuously, and residents will be responsible for damage to the gates caused by you, your family and/or your guests.
Gate Codes: Each home has also been assigned a personalized gate code – please contact Ardsley Management if you need a new code. Likewise, contact Ardsley Management if you need to re-program the telephone number within your household that will be contacted by the keypad at the gate when guests seek entrance to the neighborhood. And finally, please contact Ardsley Management if you need the gate programmed to open/close for special events – placing objects over the sensor affects the gate operators and will be promptly removed if ever found in-place.
Lawns: Lawns shall be maintained in good condition. Lawn clippings and leaves shall be swept from the street.
Cove Speed: Maintain idle speed for boats and jet skis within the cove.
Dock Rental: Boat docks may not be leased, rented or otherwise provided to persons other than Diamond Pointe property owners. Unauthorized boats found in the common docks will be towed away. Unauthorized vehicles parked in the designated dock owner’s parking lot will be cited by Geist Patrol.
Soliciting and Non-Guests: Soliciting and presence of non-guests within Diamond Pointe is prohibited; please advise any such personnel to leave the neighborhood immediately and do not hesitate to contact Geist Patrol to assist in this effort.
Parties & Events: When holding parties or other events, please instruct guests to park on the incoming side of the street (but not up on the curb or with tires within someone’s lawn) to ensure a passable roadway or, alternatively, arrange for valet service. Also, do not use socks and other coverings to keep open the gates; please contact Ardsley, our property manager, to arrange for gates being opened during such events.
Pets: Keep dogs (and other pets) under control, including barking, and clean up after them when they are on common areas and another owner’s private property.
Mailboxes: Do not leave trash, junk mail or rubber bands around the mailbox area. Also, please ensure that your mailbox door is shut and locked.
Trash Receptacles: With respect to trash pickup on Mondays, please refrain from putting out trash receptacles earlier than Sunday evening at 7pm and remove empty trash receptacles by no later than Monday evening at 7pm. Please pick up trash left behind by the contractor.
Children & Golf Carts/Other Motorized Vehicles: Children are not be permitted to drive golf carts or other motorized vehicles in the neighborhood without a valid driver’s license. Please be aware that with respect to the operation of any and all motorized vehicles within Diamond Pointe, Geist Patrol will enforce within our neighborhood all applicable rules with respect to age and operation of such vehicles. In this regard, please recall that the streets within Diamond Pointe are NOT public property, but rather, are the responsibility of the DPPOA.
Vehicles in Driveways: Many of our neighbors have vehicles they own parked in their driveways, outside their garage, on a permanent basis. DPPOA residents should have no more than one vehicle parked on a regular basis outside their garage in the driveway. No vehicles should be parked on the street on a regular basis.
Yard, Garage & Similar Sales: Yard, garage and similar sales are not permitted within Diamond Pointe.